Devious Journal Entry

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ninelivestwice's avatar
due to the fact I have so many weirdos on my skype
i e a certain 19, 21, <guy who wont tell me his age>, and a 14 year old who creeps me the fuck out,
I decided to make a new one
rather than block them all
also theres a lot of people I never talk too on my old one, so. :/

new one is Charaderp
go add it

I feel like a douche for not adding people instead
But I cannot be added switching back and forth
also picking certain people to add except those I'm getting away from makes me feel like an asshole so.. ._.

also if anyone can help me find a 6 letter name out of Unukalhai or Serpentis that'd be awesome because I can't think of any good ones
chloe found Kalahi which I really like but idk so halp lololol.

ok I got a name and it is Severo Entrit
i found severo by myself but Lir kind of made entrit except I  moved one of the letters :>
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snor1ax's avatar
I found penis in serpentis.